March 15, 2024

The Editorial Staff, The Post and Courier

Editorial: DHEC must act decisively on septic tanks along SC coast

If insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, South Carolina's policy of permitting more septic tanks along its coast is indeed insane.

We recognize there must be nuance in this debate over septic tanks: When they are properly sited and well-maintained over the years, these systems do not pose any significant environmental threat. The problem — which has become increasingly clear in recent years — is the mounting evidence that too many new ones are being allowed in the wrong places, and both state law and policies are virtually silent on what should happen when a septic tank begins to fail.

It's time for South Carolina lawmakers to protect our fragile coastal environment, before it gets further contaminated by human filth, as it most notably is in Shem and James Island creeks.

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