January 20, 2021

Amy Armstrong

Persistence And Resources

Advancing environmental protection and justice across South Carolina is a long-term project requiring persistence and resources. In addition to the legal services and advice needed to prevent and fight destruction of our natural environment, we must also build a vision for a healthier future and the legal infrastructure to enable it.

Thanks to supporters who want protection for our natural treasures or who are directly threatened by pollution and environmental degradation, the South Carolina Environmental Law Project is able to provide comprehensive legal representation and advocacy for all who care for our land, water and wildlife.

Without SCELP watching and taking action, destructive and senseless projects will further degrade our natural resources, harming environmental and human health. Our decades of experience uniquely position us to ensure that both private and public entities are held accountable, communities are defended in and out of court and valuable ecosystems are protected.

Join us in bringing this vision into reality, establishing favorable precedents from the saltmarsh to the mountains and building a legal system that protects South Carolina’s natural environment to sustain economic and social prosperity.

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