August 3, 2021

The time is now

Dear Friend,  

Thanks to you, we have come a long way in demanding answers from DHEC about Luck Stone Corporation’s proposal to mine granite at the Fairfield I-77 Quarry for an entire century. This coming Thursday, August 5, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., DHEC will hold a critically important Public Hearing to discuss the proposal, and I urge you to join me at the hearing and continue speaking out for Fairfield County. You may virtually attend or show up in-person, but you must register here.

As I told The State last week: “This is the one chance people have to speak out before a quarry is put in place for the next 100 years.”

As outlined by the Country Chronicle article on the quarry, many nearby citizens are concerned about how Luck Stone’s proposal will impact both water quantity and quality for their families. Fairfield County is a special area that still enjoys a rural pace of life yet still provides great opportunity to its residents. We have to find a way to balance growth so that we can realize its benefits without threatening our most special places. You can help bring about that balance by:

1. Registering here to attend DHEC’s Public Hearing about the proposed quarry. The hearing is August 5, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Interested persons may participate in the public hearing online, by phone, or in person at Geiger Elementary School (150 TM Cook Ln, Ridgeway, SC 29130) but must register to speak at the link above.

2. Submitting Comments to DHEC. Though the Public Hearing is your last chance to publicly verbalize your concerns to DHEC, written comments on the mine operating permit application will be accepted through August 20, 2021, and should be submitted by email or US Mail to Mr. Jeremy Eddy, Project Manager DHEC Bureau of Land and Waste Management at 2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201 or by email to

3. Visiting this website to learn more and make sure your voice is heard about the project. South Carolina’s agencies and elected officials pay attention when they see that we are paying attention.

4. Joining this Facebook group, sharing this website and forwarding this email with your contacts and asking them to support this effort. Sharing info means you aren’t just talking about the issues — you’re doing something — and what we do, big or small, can make a difference.

5. Staying informed by reading the emails and info I send out! If a friend forwarded this email to you and you want to stay informed about this effort, please subscribe here.

Thank you for standing with SCELP and for fighting with me for environmental protection and justice. I look forward to continue sharing our important work with you!


Lauren Megill Milton

SCELP Staff Attorney

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