June 15, 2021

What's yours may be mined in Fairfield County

Dear Friend,

Fairfield County is home to fertile valleys, rolling hills, important historical sites and natural resources. Scattered throughout Fairfield County’s picturesque pines, ponds and pastures are memories and monuments that speak of the unique traditions and culture of the area and families that call the upper Piedmont region home. It’s in this area that Luck Stone Corporation has requested environmental permits from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) to construct and operate a granite and gneiss quarry for 100 years in Fairfield County.

I’m writing to you today to ask you to speak out and let DHEC and your elected officials know that we need more answers before approving this mine.

Granite is an igneous stone, meaning that it was formed when magma (or molten rock) was trapped beneath the surface of the earth. However, mining and quarrying granite can be very destructive to the environment. According to the application materials, the proposed project involves mining on a 416.8 acre site where explosives will be used to separate the block of granite from the bedrock to a maximum depth of 650 feet. The project also proposes to impact tributaries associated with Dutchman’s Creek, which ultimately flows into Lake Wateree, one of South Carolina's oldest man-made lakes.

Fairfield County’s unique blend of history and culture means businesses are beginning to notice its low cost of living, stable and trained workforce and natural resources such as granite; however, growth can mold both history and future. Continuing the tranquil pace of life in Fairfield County is a balancing act. We have to find a way to balance growth so that we can realize its benefits without threatening our most special places. You can help bring about that balance by:

1. Visiting this website to learn more and make sure your voice is heard about the project. South Carolina’s agencies and elected officials pay attention when they see that we are paying attention.

2. Joining this Facebook group, sharing this website and sending this information with your contacts and asking them to support this effort. Sharing info means you aren’t just talking about the issues — you’re doing something — and what we do, big or small, can make a difference.

3. Staying informed by reading info I send out, because soon I’ll be in touch with some very important meeting dates and deadlines! If a friend sent this link to you and you want to stay informed about this effort, please subscribe here

Thank you for standing with SCELP. I am so proud to continue fighting for environmental protection and justice with you each and every day.  I look forward to continue sharing our important work with you!


Lauren Megill Milton

SCELP Staff Attorney

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