Keith Bowers

Board member

Keith Bowers


Mount Pleasant

Keith Bowers started Biohabitats, Inc., in 1982, a firm focused on ecological assessments, planning and design. Quickly winning commissions to prepare over two dozen Chesapeake Bay Critical Area plans and winning a contract to restore 11 acres of tidal marsh over the I-95 Fort McHenry tunnel in Baltimore’s inner harbor, Keith rapidly established Biohabitats as a firm grounded in solid land use planning and site design but built on a foundation of sound scientific theory and research.

Concurrently, Keith launched Ecological Restoration and Management, Inc. (ER&M), a sister company of Biohabitats. At the time, native landscape planting, wetland restoration, soil bioengineering and water quality best management practices, to name a few, were unheard of. Under Keith’s leadership, ER&M was built from the ground-up establishing the skills, specialized equipment and knowledge to implement these types of projects and more.


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